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check_well_positions checks if well positions across groups, i.e. experiments, monotonically increase or decrease with timepoints measured.

check_monotonicity checks whether the values in a numeric vector are monotonically increasing or decreasing.


  x_var = "Timepoint",
  y_var = "Value",
  grouping = "Position",
  v_var = "Validity",
  wp_var = "Position"




A data.frame containing the input data, e.g. from a function call to tidy_single_plate, tidy_plates_via_params or tidy_plates_via_prompts.


A character string specifying the variable to be plotted on the x-axis. Defaults to 'Timepoint'.


A character string specifying the variable to be plotted on the y-axis. Defaults to 'Value'.


A vector of character strings specifying the grouping variables. Defaults to 'Position' if no grouping is provided.


A character string specifying the validity information. Usually a column with all rows being 'valid'. Rows are set to 'invalid' based on user selection. Defaults to "Validity".


A character string specifying the column providing the well positions. Defaults to "Position".


A numeric vector to be checked for monotonicity.


check_well_positions returns a subset of the input data containing only the data from non-monotonic groups, if non-monotonic groups are detected. Otherwise, NULL is returned.

check_monotonicity returns a logical value.


If non-monotonic groups of well positions are detected, check_well_positions plots them as line graphs and returns a list with both the corresponding subset of the data for further inspection and the input data adjusted for invalid well positions from visual inspection.

check_monotonicity checks if all differences between consecutive elements in the vector 'vec' are non-negative (indicating monotonic non-decreasing behavior) or non-positive (indicating monotonic non-increasing behavior).

See also

tidy_plate, tidy_plates_via_params, tidy_plates_via_prompts

validate_cells, update_validity


# Generate example data
df <- data.frame(Position = rep(1:21, 2),
                 Value = c(1:21, sample(1:21,21, TRUE)),
                 Timepoint = rep(paste0("T",1:3),14),
                 Validity = "valid",
                 Group_1 = rep(LETTERS[1:2], each=21),
                 Group_2 = rep(letters[1:14], each = 3))
# All groups behave monotonically
check_well_positions(df[df$Group_1 == "A",],
                     x_var = "Timepoint",
                     y_var = "Value",
                     grouping = c("Group_1", "Group_2"))
#> All groups have monotonic behavior. Returning original input data.
#>    Position Value Timepoint Validity Group_1 Group_2
#> 1         1     1        T1    valid       A       a
#> 2         2     2        T2    valid       A       a
#> 3         3     3        T3    valid       A       a
#> 4         4     4        T1    valid       A       b
#> 5         5     5        T2    valid       A       b
#> 6         6     6        T3    valid       A       b
#> 7         7     7        T1    valid       A       c
#> 8         8     8        T2    valid       A       c
#> 9         9     9        T3    valid       A       c
#> 10       10    10        T1    valid       A       d
#> 11       11    11        T2    valid       A       d
#> 12       12    12        T3    valid       A       d
#> 13       13    13        T1    valid       A       e
#> 14       14    14        T2    valid       A       e
#> 15       15    15        T3    valid       A       e
#> 16       16    16        T1    valid       A       f
#> 17       17    17        T2    valid       A       f
#> 18       18    18        T3    valid       A       f
#> 19       19    19        T1    valid       A       g
#> 20       20    20        T2    valid       A       g
#> 21       21    21        T3    valid       A       g
# Six groups behave non-monotonically
check_well_positions(df[df$Group_1 == "B",],
                     x_var = "Timepoint",
                     y_var = "Value",
                     grouping = c("Group_1", "Group_2"))
#> Non-monotonic well positions detected for case: B.h . Do you want to set this group as valid? (y/n): 
#> Error in if (tolower(choice) == "y") {    message("Case ", group_name, " set as valid\n")    non_monotonic_groups <- non_monotonic_groups[non_monotonic_groups !=         group_name]} else {    message("Continuing without changes for case: ", group_name,         "\n")}: argument is of length zero

# Check if a vector is monotonically increasing (will return TRUE)
check_monotonicity(c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5))
#> [1] TRUE
# Check if a vector is monotonically decreasing (will return FALSE)
check_monotonicity(c(5, 80, 3, 2, 1))
#> [1] FALSE