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Most old photometer devices save the data in plain text files. If there was ever analysis software, this is often no longer available due to increasing technical requirements or proprietary software should generally be avoided. Especially for broth microdilution assays, it is necessary to measure the photometer plates at several points in time, which means that the same samples are represented in several files with their corresponding values. Usually the data is then merged manually, which can lead to mistakes and takes up unnecessary time. In this case, the `tidy_plates()` function provides a convenient way to read in the raw files and, based on user input, add metadata on the validity of the samples, as well as treatment groups and concentration levels.


  direction = c("horizontal", "vertical"),



The folder path to the files containing the raw photometer data. Data files should be given as plain text files and with timepoint identifiers in their file names (e.g. "file_T0.txt" or "file_t0.txt").


A character vector specifying the orientation of the plate layout. It can be either "horizontal" or "vertical".


Additional arguments to be passed to read_plates.


A tidy data frame containing absorption values and meta data (validity of samples as well as treatment and concentration level information).